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Theme & Restriction

BALANCE with restriction of two input button.


BBalance is a rolling ball endless game. Player have to balance on tracks and obtain scores by controlling its ball speed.

Key Features

  • Procedural generated tracks

  • Seesaw track

  • Two input button

What I did

Bbalance was done solely by me for MiniJam 34. I came up with this improvised idea which is similar to Celestial which i have done for GMTK Game Jam. I made sure that player are able to control the ball speed as a core gameplay. As the track would be dull and boring, i added seesaw tracks that would increase the difficulty.


Furthermore added collectible as a minor reward for traveling across the level. I have thought of adding other features such as items that affects ball's gravity/size, warping portal that introduce different "level", special treasure that will be available after a certain distance and so on.


However I decided to scale the game down with just collectible and seesaw tracks due to the time limitation.  


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